As this website is DIY built using Astro and my own layouts, components,
and styles, there is rather a lot to create and finesse. This page documents
what is left to do.
This is a new website and is under active development. There will be some odd-looking layouts and colours while this is happening. Please bear with me and check back again to see any updates.
- Category/tag descriptions metadata
- Related posts
- In scripts/fetchSoFlair.mjs, allow for other author names
- Consider replacing default code formats with Prism
- Consider fallback site image/alt in site-info.json and PageMeta
- Consider moving to rehype-callouts
- Consider allowing custom banner images - would need to add new frontmatter
NEW: Authors
- Make page profile links dependent on matching author meta
- Add author meta types available to page meta
- Get author additional meta from Authors content
Article pages
- Add status to frontmatter and show on page
- Collapsible sections
- ToC sidebar
- Add reading time
- Allow mermaid
- Custom heading ids
RSS Feeds
- Include full article content - but how?
- Consider per-tag/category feeds - how?
- Add page links to rss feeds
Ongoing Stylesheet improvements
Components needed or improvements
- Move inline SVG to files
- Consider moving theme-switcher to the the footer
- Change from sun/moon & theme switch to a cog containing theme switch and other controls such as colour, maybe sizing, font, etc.