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Brimham Rocks, Yorkshire, UK

Astro: Testing MDX

Picture of Brimham Rocks, Yorkshire, UK
This is a new website and is under active development. There will be some odd-looking layouts and colours while this is happening. Please bear with me and check back again to see any updates.

Astro: Testing MDX

Published on: 2024-10-21T19:12:03.000Z


Welcome to my new, clean blog. This is taking over from my old Much Ado About IT blog. That got a bit aged and hard to keep up-to-date having been replatformed, changed and merged over the years. It will remain in place but this is where all new articles from me will be published. Please see the About page for details about the design and hosting.

It is in its very early stages so will probably look weird and a bit broken in places. Please bear with me as I learn all about Astro and how best to use it.

  • astro-v4
  • testing
  • markdown
  • testing
Not me.