Testing out what can be done in Astro Markdown

This is a new website and is under active development. There will be some odd-looking layouts and colours while this is happening. Please bear with me and check back again to see any updates.
We can’t get dynamic data on a plain markdown page, use an MDX page for that:
Published on: {frontmatter.updated} {{$page.title}}
TipHeadings have auto-links - hover over them to see them.
Autolink literals
www.example.com, https://example.com, and [email protected].
A footnote1
A footnote[^1]
[^1]: The bigger bit of the footnote.
one or two tildes.
~one~ or ~~two~~ tildes.
a | b | c | d |
a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 |
| a | b | c | d || - | :- | -: | :-: || a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 |
- to do
- done
* [ ] to do* [x] done
Expressive Code
console.log('Title attribute example')
\\ ```js title="my-test-file.js"
<div>File name comment example with hidden HTML comment</div>
echo "This terminal frame (bash) has no title"
Write-Output "This one has a title! (powershell)"
// Line 1 - targeted by line number// Line 2// Line 3// Line 4 - targeted by line number// Line 5// Line 6// Line 7 - targeted by range "7-8"// Line 8 - targeted by range "7-8"
// Highlighted lines {1, 4, 7-8}
Obsidian/GitHub Callouts
We only use NOTE, TIP, and WARNING to be in keeping with all of Obsidian, GitHub, Docsify and Typora.
This is a custom titleThis is a note
TIPThis is a tip
A blockquote, not a callout
But the plugin supports:
- note: pencilIcon,
- tip/hint/important: flameIcon,
- warning/attention/caution: alertTriangleIcon,
- abstract/summary/tldr: clipboardListIcon,
- info: infoIcon,
- todo: checkCircleIcon,
- success/check/done: checkIcon,
- question/help/faq: helpCircleIcon,
- failure/missing/fail: xIcon,
- danger/error: zapIcon,
- bug: bugIcon,
- example: listIcon,
- quote/cite: quoteIcon,
Note that these may not yet be properly styled…
warning: title
My paragraph with bold text
Some content
And some more
The bigger bit of the footnote. ↩